It seems incredible but Samantha Elizabeth salon celebrated our five-year anniversary at the end of November. I can’t believe it’s been that long!
We actually opened the doors on 29th November 2016. As some of you will know, picking up the keys fulfilled my lifelong ambition to open my own salon by the time I was 30. I did it with just two weeks to spare!
In those five years we have won a number of awards Best Salon (two separate awards), Best Salon Team, and we’ve been recognised two years in a row for our customer services. We are very proud of our achievements.
What I wasn’t expecting when I started the salon was the Covid pandemic (who did expect it?!). In March 2020 when we had to close the salon under the first Lockdown it was a very tough time. It was for every salon in Haywards Heath. We didn’t know when we would be able to open to clients again, or how we’d have to operate under the restrictions when we did.
When the third lockdown was imposed on us, I was worried that if it went on for too long, we’d have some very serious problems. Some salons around the country didn’t make it but fortunately, we came out the other side.
I put that down to two things: Looking after my clients and my staff. My focus has always been on my staff and my loyal clients because I know that without them, I haven’t got a business.
During the pandemic my staff were brilliant. They created videos and gave clients top tips on how to manage their hair under lockdown; but really, they just wanted to get back into the salon again – we all did!
And we have fantastic clients who have been loyal and patient, not just through lockdown but afterwards as well when we’ve had to restrict the number of clients, we can see each day. Thank you.
I also learned new lessons from the pandemic. The lockdown periods taught me that you can’t take the good times for granted, and since we reopened, I’ve really looked at how we run the business and how we can do it leaner. Because you never know what’s going to happen.
But back to the happier news. We are thrilled and delighted to be celebrating our five years. I want to thank all my staff and our lovely clients for their support over the years and for your kind words over the past 20 months, it has meant so much to us. While the latest set of restrictions means we are not out of the woods yet, we hope that 2022 is a better year for everyone.
With love
Samantha and the SE Team